Moving Day!

Moving Day 2017 Lunch at Amex

All good trips should start with delicious food and a good glass of wine. This beauty is compliments of the American Express Centurion Lounge at SFO.

So today is the day! After months of preparation (interviewing, getting the work visa, selling most of my personal goods, saying goodbye), the day to say goodbye to the USA and say “你好,中国” is here. And while I’m excited — and understandably nervous — about this big change, I can’t really look forward to it without first looking back at the past six years living in San Francisco.

While my professional life was doing great, my personal life didn’t really get started until 2014 when I joined a softball team for the SFGSL. That first season, as I was getting over an ankle injury, I was scorekeeper and really enjoyed being part of a team again. Having grown up playing team sports it was something that was missing from my life. Over the next four seasons I’ve made most of my good friends through the softball league. Those friends and being able to play with my teammates is something I’m going to seriously miss. If anyone saw what an emotional wreck I was on Sunday during my team’s most recent fundraiser, you’ll know I’m telling the truth! LOVE YOU BOMBSHELLS!

While people will be the number one thing I miss most about SF — ok, maybe the clean air and water too — the list of things I won’t miss at all is a bit long. The homeless problem, the crazies, the drug epidemic, the traffic, having to share an apartment at age 40 because rent prices are crazy stupid… I don’t want to dwell on bad things, so I’m going to end that thought right there.

Though I am moving to the orient, I should be back in the USA a number of times a year. And if there is one thing in life that I know is true, the paths of good people will always cross; you never know where or when, but they do. As I hate saying goodbye, because it is never the end, I’m closing this post with a “so long for now, and thanks for all the fish!”