Day 9 – Back in Suzhou

Another short post today as I’m completely exhausted from the trip to Hangzhou! After learning about the Chinese tradition of the toast at dinner last night, I woke up early to go run with the running in from work. Six of us set out at 6:05am … Some faster than others … And some slow like me (since when is a 9 minute mile slow???). Well, turns out the loop we were doing was about 10km, well past my usual 6km limit. That limit was hot and the next 70 minutes were spent walking back to the hotel. THEN it was time for a full day of activities, which included picking vegetables and fishing out lunch out of the wetlands — literally. Don’t worry, tons of food pictures are coming tomorrow πŸ™‚ And yes, it was all amazing once again! The ride back to Suzhou was long as we hit traffic, so yeah … Not much of a blog post today but plenty more coming tomorrow! 再见 // Good bye!