Day 41 – 我不明白 (I don’t understand)

The Chinese have really surprised me in how friendly everyone is and how they have such a civilized society. With that in mind, there are a few things, however, that I notice that seem out of place.

The “law” of massive objects. In most places I’ve been, pedestrians have the right of way when in a crosswalk and the signal is in their favor. Here the only rule that seems to matter is how large of a vehicle you’re in: Trucks & busses, then cars, then ebike/motorcycles, then bicycles, and finally pedestrians is the pecking order for right of way. Oh, and that red light at the intersection? It seems to mostly be a suggestion, especially if you’re a car or ebike turning right.

Not clearing tables. I’m not referring to fast casual style restaurants and above that have dedicated waitstaff (服务员,fúwù yuán) but rather more casual places like Starbucks or Burger King. It is common place to leave your mess on the tables when you’re done instead of bringing your tray and trash to the proper location leaving a clean spot for someone else to sit down at and enjoy.

Driving. Hear me now, I will never get behind the wheel here in China unless it’s on a go-kart track! The rules of the road here are so confusing I’d likely get in a wreck as quick as Lingling from that episode of Drawn Together! I find it’s amazing that so far I’ve only seen one minor fender bender and nothing more! People cut one another off, tailgate, and lane split for what must certainly be peverse enjoyment. But I can’t condem these driving habbits as they seem to work for the locals!