Day 19 – More of the waiting game

It’s a good thing I’m able to find ways on how to entertain myself! You see, I’m still not legally able to work in China as I’m waiting for both the work and resident permits to be approved. It’s unclear if this is one in the same or two separate documents. Regardless, today was the fourth time someone needed my passport in order to complete some of this documentation. It feels really odd to hand over your passport to someone while being in a foreign country. It’ll be delivered back at some point in the future, but yeah, such a weird feeling!

Without much else to do today besides study some more Mandarin and read up on more stuff for work, I did another load of laundry — exciting huh? Well, it kind of was! Take a look at the picture below. Apart from writing in English and Chinese, what else do you notice?


That’s right! The machine has a setting for Wash & Dry! When I did laundry the first time that setting wasn’t used; the washing was done then the machine was set to the dryer setting. My clothes came out a bit damp, likely because I over stuffed the machine a bit too much, so they needed to be dried a bit more. This time the machine was not over stuffed and my clothes came out great! One setting, a couple hours, and boom! Clean, dry laundry! …Now only if it would fold the clothes and match up all the socks …