Day #139: Call me crazy

For over three weeks now I’ve been MIA , and for good reason); I was hiding in the good ole USA! After spending that amount of time back home, I noticed a few things:

  1. Unrestricted internet is definitely missed
  2. Friends and family definitely define where your heart is
  3. I miss eating  Chinese food daily
  4. A little bit of me was anxious to get back to my apartment in Suzhou
  5. Flying economy across the Pacific is painful

Part of my role at work will require me to fly back to the USA a number of times a year so it’ll be interesting to see how this list changes over time. 

One Reply to “Day #139: Call me crazy”

  1. I assume #3 is on your list because it’s “Authentic” Chinese food that you miss, not the slop they serve over here in the US. If so, then I’m in agreement with you on that one! Take care.

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